Monday, October 28, 2013

OWN tomorrow - the horizon awaits.

Howdie everyone,

Well, sometimes you have those years when everything you've worked for seems to crumble to the ground and, like a row of dominos, sees everything else tumble down with it. I, myself, have had one of those years. Whether or not it's something to do with 13 being involved, I'll leave to your personal superstitions and beliefs. I, personally, think it's more to do with getting involved with the wrong woman and hanging my career, car, home and self-esteem on the relationship. Never mix business and pleasure...but that's another blog altogether.

What I would like to actually address is the ability we have as people (with the help of those family and friends who really show how much you mean to them) to pick yourself back up again. I can now insert a thousand cliches, such as "everything happens for a reason" and " one door closes and another opens" and the like. There is truth to these, in some ways, but it has more to do with your own self and your personal strength and ambition. Yes...everything happens for a reason. But it's nothing to do with the stars or some cosmic overhead guiding our fate and looking out for us. And yes, one door closes and another is there to open. But again, there's no spiritual guidance on that. It comes down to cause and effect. Some things cause the sky to fall down around your ears. Some people slam a door in your face...and it's not that a spiritual breeze nudges another open with an attention grabbing and fateful creak. A door closes, you find yourself in a hallway of doors...and you have to dig down deep, assess who you now are...and kick the bugger open. With everything you have.

I'm kicking a few doors open. Doors that, two years ago, I wouldn't have even thought to look at. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I know they'll take a lot of work for me to thrive once I've crossed the threshold. But therein lies the joy of life. We can push forward. We can stand back, assess where we've come from, why we are now standing where we are..even if it is a bit aimless. And it's up to us whether we stand there looking to the past and weeping, regretting, standing absorbed in bitterness and blaming everything else for our downfall. Or...we can own tomorrow. We can make a new self; on a foundation of experience, wisdom and with a thicker skin.

Learn from yesterday. Own tomorrow.